So after winning the first Tournament of the weekend (and taking home a sweet golden bolt pistol.), I Took what I had learned and build my 1850 point list. Which was essentially my 2k list with the following changes: No henchmen squad, Paladins Dropped down to 6 Standard Termies (with 3 Halberds, 2 Hammers, and 1 sword + 1 psycannon.), and combined the 2 strike squads into 1 big squad of 10 (1 hammer psybolts, and 2 Psycannons, I kept them with a psyback and made the other a dedicated transport for the Purifiers, but usually kept them empty.)
Game 1: Mission was a little strange one person was the attacker the other the defender, defender chose one model to be his “champion” this could be any “sergeant” or character model (or monstrous creature I think). When the “champion was killed the attack nominated one of his eligible models (closest to the champion), as the new champion. This went back and forth until either the game ended, or there were no eligible models left (which would result in a draw). If the game ended who ever had the champion won. It is important to note that the champion (and his unit or any transport he was in) were subject to the rage special rule, he could not be reserved, he gained Feel no pain (and some other stuff I don’t remember).
So it was a wonky mission, made more difficult by the fact that rounds were fairly short (1:45). My opponent was the same Chaos player I played in the first round of the first tourney (which I felt bad about I had played this guy twice already, once in pick-up, and I don’t think he was looking forward to a third game, next year I am bringing more than just my tourney army as in pick up no one likes to get stomped). I had suggested some improvements to his list which he made (he added oblits, and some other long range elements), but he was still writing up his list when the round began. I won the role and decided to be the attacker (who got first turn). After 5 turns I had tabled him, but he at least had managed to kill my storm raven, a razorback, and most of my purifiers so it was a better game for him overall. My highlights were getting my purifiers charged by his Daemon prince, rolling my pskotrokes to drop him to LD 2, him taking a nemesis wound, failing LD and dying, my convincing him to charge his one armed dread into my Purifiers and Grand Master, so he could punk my GM with his DCCW, which gave him the champion on turn 4 (to his squad of chaos termies which was all he had left.). At least it seemed that he had more fun this game than the previous 2 I had played with him (although I was pretty sure he was going to break something when I popped his Predator, and Vindicator on turn 1.) I was happy for him that he ended up winning a game in this tourney later on as he had just been getting pounded all weekend (he had upgraded from Necrons to Chaos Space Marines this year…unfortunately not the largest jump in power.).
Game 2: Deployment was table quarters; mission was to have as many scoring units within 3” of the center of the table. (This was a hill, so I guess we can call it king of the hill.)
My opponent fittingly was another Grey Knight player. He was running:
4 x 8 Purifiers (2 psycannons, and some other stuff.) in Rhinos
2 x Psyfleman Dreads
2 x Venerable Dreads with MM and DCCW
And I think that is about it.
My opponent won first turn and slowly advanced toward the center. The game quickly became a shoot out and my ability to pop his transports was huge. On his first turn he managed to immobilize one of my dreads and not much else. On my return fire I popped on of his Rhinos and killed all 8 purifiers inside. My storm raven also moved up toward him. On his second turn he dropped the storm raven, and tried to hit me with some more shooting, killing one of my dreads as well. On my turn I popped another of his transports, the one closest to my purifiers. My termies blew the close combat arm off his closest venerable dread, I took out one of his Autocannon Dreads, and then in the assault killed the most purifiers that had gotten out, and his Venerable dread (with my terminators and inquisitor).
On turn 3-4 Crow Assaulted my Grand Master (and used Hammer hand), my Grand master ended up killing crowe, and my purifiers finished his off, to get me out of that combat. On my turn I popped his 2 remaining Rhinos, took down another purifier squad, and his other Venerable Dread. Turn 5, he shot my purifiers some more trying to stop them from eating their way through the rest of his army. I killed his remaining Autocannon dread and on turn 6 ended up tabling him for my second win.
Game 3: Mission was Dawn of War, Kill points.
My opponent was the same player I had played in the finals of the other tourney with basically the same list (his Libby was an epistolary I think in this one). He got first turn and pulled his gate move again to throw his termies into my face, this time it did not go nearly so well for him, as I turned and shot at him with my termies, my strike squad, and my Purifiers killing 7 terminators in 1 round of shooting. It was still a tight game as his kill points were all hid in land raiders for most of the game, and we traded kills back and forth with his redeemer killing my stikes as well as most of my purifiers as I tried to hammer it to death. In the end though my grandmaster was able to single handedly kill a 10 man marine squad (between his incinerator, grenades, and 4 S 5 Attacks) I took down both his speeders, his termies and both his HQs for 6 KPs, he killed my Strike squad, one of my Razorbacks, my Purifiers and two dreads for 5 KPS. So I pulled out the win by 1 KP.
All in all the tournament was great fun, and I ended up taking home a Baneblade for my win.