Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Analysis of Troops: Stage one Shooting with Standard Weapons against T4 enemies.

After reading Distaste for Vanilla Space Marine Troops over on the 11th Company forums I got to thinking, how bad are Space Marine Tactical Squads really?  How do they stack up against the other codices as far as troop choices go on a point for point basis?

For my first analysis I decided to see how the various troop choices (there are 42 different troop options in the whole of 40k not counting troops unlocked using special characters, troops unlocked through some other means: Tervigons for example, and I also excluded the Death Company Dread for ease of comparison) did in shooting at a T4 opponent with their standard load out (no upgrades taken, except the weapons platform for Eldar Guardians because it is mandatory, I took the Shuriken catapult as it was the least expensive option.)

For this analysis I compared the shooting of 100 points of each type of troop, to make it a fair comparison from a points aspect (of course 200 points of marines shoot better than 50 points of Gretchin for example.).  I also broke down shooting into 3 Categories Range Greater than 24 inches, Range from 13-24 inches, and Range of 12 inches or less.  This does leave a little grey area at 18" as some units have 18" range guns which are no good at 24", but I decided to not get even more complex so this is obviously a little Skewed.

That said here is what I came up with for the final ranking.

1 DE Warriors
2 Fire Warriors
2 Kroot
4 Dire Avengers/Shoota Boyz
5 IG Veterans
6 Battle Sisters
7 Guard Infantry Platoon
8 Pink Horrors
9 Grey Hunters
10 CSM
11 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers
12 Penal Legion
13 GK Strike Squad
14 Templars
15 DA Tacticals
16 Tacticals
17 Termagants
18 Gretchin
19 Necron Warriors
20 Tyranid Warriors
21 Guardians
22 Scouts
23 Blood Claws
24 Noise marines
25 Thousand Sons
26 Plague marines
27 Rangers
28 Wyches
29 Ork Boyz
30 BA Assault Squad
31 GK Terminators
32 Death company
33 Guardian Jetbikes
34 Berzerkers
35 Bloodletters
35 Daemonettes
35 Genestealers
35 Hormagaunts
35 Nurglings
35 Plague bearers
35 Rippers
35 Summoned Lesser Daemons   

Now it is obvious why the units that tied for 35th overall did so as none of those units can shoot at all.  What I found interesting was just how high Kroot placed, with only BS 3 and a bolter that is AP 6, they also end up just as good as Fire Warriors (better if you discount the high placement of Fire warriors in the shooting over 24" category, as only 2 squads have standard firepower over 24", Fire Warriors and Eldar Rangers.)  Now of course accounting for AP could be important but T4 Could mean Marines, or it could mean orks so I just wanted to look at total number of wounds caused.

Also interesting keep in mind is that if you make the Ork Boyz shoota boyz (a free upgrade) they are equivalent to Dire avengers, so point for point Orks shoot better than any of the marines using standard/free upgrades.

Here is the math for all units

Unit Name
Wounds VS T4

Number of models 25"+ 13-24" less than 12"
BA Assault Squad 5.263157895 0 1.754385965
Battle Sisters 9.090909091 0  3.030303   6.060606061
Berzerkers 4.761904762 0 0 0
Blood Claws 6.666666667 0 1.666667  3.333333333
Bloodletters 6.25 0 0 0
CSM 6.666666667 0 2.222222 4.444444444
DA Tacticals 6.060606061 0 2.020202 4.04040404
Daemonettes 7.142857143 0 0 0
DE Warriors 11.11111111 0 3.703704 7.407407407
Death company 5 0 0 1.666666667
Dire Avengers 8.333333333 0 5.555556 5.555555556
Fire Warriors 10 3.333333 3.333333 6.666666667
Genestealers 7.142857143 0 0 0
GK Strike Squad 5 0 3.333333 3.333333333
GK Terminators 2.5 0 1.666667 1.666666667
Gretchin 27.5 0 0 4.583333333
Grey Hunters 6.666666667 0 2.222222 4.444444444
Guard Infantry Platoon 19.23076923 0 2.705128 5.965811966
Guardian Jetbikes 4.545454545 0 0 1.291322314
Guardians 12.5 0 1.25 4.375
Hormagaunts 16.66666667 0 0 0
Inquisitorial Storm Troopers 10 0 2.222222 4.444444444
Kroot 14.28571429 0 3.571429 7.142857143
Necron Warriors 5.555555556 0 1.851852 3.703703704
Noise marines 5 0 1.666667 3.333333333
Nurglings 7.692307692 0 0 0
Ork Boyz 16.66666667 0 0 2.777777778
Penal Legion 12.5 0 2.555556 4
Pink Horrors 5.882352941 0 4.411765 4.411764706
Plague bearers 6.666666667 0 0 0
Plague marines 4.347826087 0 1.449275 2.898550725
Rangers 5.263157895 1.754386 1.754386 1.754385965
Rippers 10 0 0 0
Scouts 7.142857143 0 1.785714 3.571428571
Shoota Boyz 16.66666667 0 5.555556 5.555555556
Summoned Lesser Daemons 7.692307692 0 0 0
Tacticals 5.882352941 0 1.960784 3.921568627
Templars 6.25 0 2.083333 4.166666667
Termagants 20 0 0 5
Thousand Sons 3.610108303 0 1.786703 2.656738869
Tyranid Warriors 3.333333333 0 2.5 2.5
Veterans 14.28571429 0 3.174603 6.349206349
Wyches 10 0 0 3.333333333


  1. Neat article!

    I'm not surprised that tac marines come out mostly in the middle; they are the basic unit-of-measure for all things 40k, after all.

    I am a bit surprised that Tau troops came out so high as I've never had that much luck putting wounds on things with fire warriors or kroot, particularly against marines.

    Are you measuring unsaved wounds or just successful wounds rolled?

  2. Just successful wound rolls, which for standard weapons is mostly what matters. (most are Ap 5 or worse). The issue in game terms (which I will get to in a later part of this analysis) is that the Tau lack special guns, so their shooting never gets any better, and never ignores marine armor.

    Even the most sucessful shooting on the list (DE warriors) will only kill about 2.47 marines per turn of shooting. Kroot and Fire warriors are about the same. This also requires that you get those marines out of their transports.

    Looking at it you'll notice that nost of the better shooting troops are aroudn 10 points per model. More shots = more wounds, irregardless of BS.
